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YES-Europe is proudly taking part in POWERYOUTH, a project funded by the LIFE Programme, designed to engage and empower young people in energy communities, fostering their active role in the energy transition. It emphasizes the importance of youth leadership in adopting new lifestyles and acquiring skills to support sustainable energy practices.
Inspired by the European Year of Youth in 2022, POWERYOUTH aims to address the lack of tools promoting sustained youth participation in energy communities and their training in energy sustainability. The project adopts a collaborative approach to facilitate dialogue between young people and local stakeholders, encouraging their active involvement in energy communities.
Coordinated by SINGULAR LOGIC (GR), the project began in January 2024 and will last for 36 months, with a budget of €1.5 million. The consortium comprises nine partners from seven countries, along with a pan-European partner.
POWERYOUTH will be implemented through five pilot projects within the European Union, aiming to create at least ten youth energy communities (two in each pilot) with a minimum engagement of 1,000 young people and other stakeholders. These pilots are located in Austria, Greece, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal.
What are PowerYouth’s objectives?
- Effectively engage young people and other key stakeholders in collective actions
- Develop a toolkit that facilitates the empowerment of youth in energy communities
- Set up and support collective actions in youth energy communities
- Create and execute a comprehensive and easily replicable capacity-building programme to train young people in green energy skills and promote their participation in energy communities
- Mobilise youth organisations and local authorities to replicate the POWERYOUTH approach across the EU
- Formulate policy recommendations and develop exploitation plans for accelerating youth energy communities’ adoption in new areas

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.