Policy briefings serve as insightful commentary pieces that delve into recurring topics and provide a comprehensive analysis. They aim to address key inquiries such as the correlation between these topics and energy, as well as the actions taken by the EU or its member states. Additionally, they offer valuable guidance for the future, outlining potential courses of action. As invaluable tools, policy briefs empower aspiring energy policy enthusiasts, particularly young individuals, to navigate the intricate landscape of evolving energy systems with confidence and foresight.

Can ChatGPT (with the help of policy) support us in fueling the energy transition?
May 2023
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The CSDD Directive: A way to solve the puzzle of the geopolitics of energy supply chains?
June 2023
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Implications of the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism for the Western Balkan Countries
August 2023
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No one and nothing stays behind – EU Parliamentary Position on CSDD Directive proposal
October 2023
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Getting our land back for good: The role of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for the successful deployment of the EU Nature Restoration Law
May 2024
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