
YES-Europe (Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability)

Dimitri Zogg

81 Boulevard Carl-VOGT, 1205 Genève Switzerland

President: Eric Balakrishnan

Vice-president: Max van der Linden

Note: only informal contacts are possible via e-mail. Legally binding declarations cannot be delivered this way.

Legal form

YES-Europe (Young leader in Energy and Sustainability) is an non-profit association registered by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) of Switzerland and govened by Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code (CHE-237.655.892).

It is politically neutral and non-denominational.


Contact webmaster:

Editorial team: Elena Fazio

Disclaimer and Copyright

The information in the internet service has been carefully compiled by YES-Europe (Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability).  We do not, however, take legal responsibility for its validity, accuracy, or completeness. You can save, pass on, and reproduce information, and add links to this site.

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The information may not, moreover, be altered or falsified. Please indicate the source when reproducing or distributing.

This website contains links to other websites (external links). These websites are the responsibility of the operator. YES-Europe has no influence on the current and future design, and content of linked pages. The inclusion of external links does not mean that YES-Europe  makes use of the reference or link contents.

© 2021 by YES-Europe (Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability)