Green New Deal

Online Event

il terzo webinar organizzato da Yes-_Europe-Italy approfondirà il tema del Green Deal europeo. Presenteremo il Green Deal, la sua composizione, quali nazioni sono state le promotrici e quali parti hanno invece avanzato delle opposizioni. Durante l’incontro cercheremo di capire quali sono le nazioni che godono dei finanziamenti europei maggiori e come pensano di usufruirne. Non

Case Challenge: Building Sustainable Housing

Online Event

YES Sweden and KTH Live-in-Lab presents our case challenge: Building Sustainability. Together with other participants you will brainstorm clever and innovative ways to assist KTH Live-in-Lab to become even more sustainable than they already are. Here you will unleash your inner innovative side! Simply put, how would you frame your own Live-in Lab? The event



Online Event

Il quarto webinar organizzato da YES Europe - Italy approfondirà il tema della sfera giuridica che regola il settore energetico ✅ introdurremo i concetti base e gli strumenti necessari per comprendere il quadro giuridico proprio del mercato energetico ✅ analizzeremo le linee guida fornite dalla Comunità Europea 🇪🇺 per affrontare la transizione energetica ,cercando di


Empowering talent: Women’s Perspective in the Energy Sector

Online Event

YES-Europe Sweden and Finland welcome you to our next event! Make sure to save the date 10th of June for our next coming event together with NEEN (Nordic Energy Equality Network) we present to you Empowering talent: Women’s Perspective in the Energy Sector Are you curious how other women made their careers in the energy


Nikola Tesla and His Contributions to Green Technologies

Online Event

One of the greatest engineers, Inventors and scientists in history, Nikola Tesla, who revolutionized the tech industry and paved the way for the technologies we use today. Tesla is well known as the wizard of electricity, the man who changed the course of science and made a great contribution to green technology. The Swedish chapter


Energy Apéro: Hydrogen: Hype or Hope?

Online Event

In an informal setting, our two guest debaters will exchange views on the best design of #hydrogen #policy, focusing on pitfalls and opportunities in the context of EU’s 2030 and 2050 #climate targets. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions, react and comment in real-time!


Renewables In the Supply Chain of Multinational Enterprises

Online Event

Our guest Patrik is a Southpole consultant and will present us with insights into the supply chains of multinational enterprises and how renewables play a part in them. This event is presented by the Swiss and Swedish teams of YES-Europe, Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability.


YES-Europe Finland Launch Event

Online Event

Are you a student or a young professional interested in creating a sustainable future? Are you an internationally-minded person and interested in collaboration with European students and young professionals in the field? Join the first-ever kickoff event organized by YES-Europe Finland to get to know our team and hear what YES-Europe has to offer on


YES-Italy Kick-Off 2021

Online Event

L'inizio del nuovo anno accademico per noi coincide con l'inizio di un nuovo anno di progetti ed attività, che inaugureremo con un Kick-Off Online la sera del 5 ottobre! Ci segui da un po' e vorresti conoscerci meglio? Sei appassionatə di energia? Stai cercando un modo di partecipare attivamente a rendere il nostro pianeta più


YES-Europe Hungary Kick-Off

Online Event

As we kick start the 2021/2022 academic year, Join YES-Europe Hungary for their very first event You can expect an overall presentation about YES-Europe, Meet other young professionals and students in energy and sustainability , get to know each other and it will be a great platform for networking


YES-Europe Annual Conference 2021

Online Event

The Annual Conference of 2021 was held online. After the cancellation of the Annual Conference of 2020, in 2021we gathered together as a community and enjoyed a day full of knowledge sharing and networking. During the day, we had a diverse range of speakers, workshops and panel discussions. You can view all the panel discussions


Effective Funding Options for Youth-lead Energy Initiatives

Online Event

You are a young clean energy enthusiast on the move to raise funds for your launched project or seed-stage startup? Then save the date and join our webinar! On October 22nd, 17:00 – 17:30 CET we make a Deep Dive into the topic "Effective Funding Options for Youth-lead Energy Initiatives“ with Jan Palasinski of Future
