Waste to energy power plants to kill two birds with one stone

Energy demand is increasing, such as waste production: could we solve both problems with one unique solution? As the world population grows and living standards continue to rise, the consumption of goods and energy is increasing too, which has significant environmental consequences. The correlation between income and energy consumption remains very strong; additionally, higher consumption

By |2021-10-19T19:59:41+02:00October 19th, 2021|Energy|

Energy Auctions

Introduction The energy transition is reliant on the establishment of renewable energy (RE) targets. According to IRENA's 'Renewable Energy Target Setting' report (IRENA, “Renewable Energy Target Setting”), in 2015, a total of 164 countries worldwide have adopted at least one type of renewable energy target and have adopted support policies to address possible market failures, compared

By |2021-11-24T09:26:28+01:00October 19th, 2021|Policy|